Our names are Joe and Brenna Friend. We have 3 children ages 14, 12 ,10 and they are boy, girl, boy. I am a minster in Lebanon Mo and my wife subs at the school. After we had our youngest son Ethan, we were told we couldn't have anymore children. Which, I was OK with, three was plenty. We had talked about adoption but after Ethan learned how to tie his own shoes I felt this huge sense of freedom. No more diapers, no more shoe tying, he knows how to brush his teeth and get dressed on his own, WOW, what freedom I felt. It was a time of celebration!!! After that I knew I didn't want to have anymore children.
God has a way of preparing you for something and then opening the door and releasing the giants. He knows we can do it, but we don't always know, we just have to trust in him.
So I thought I was done with kids, and then it happened, we met her. Her name is Meggie, she is 9. She has blond hair and big brown eyes. How did we meet her? We met her when a godly couple in our church brought her over from Latvia in a hosting program.
My first thought, "Where in the world is Latvia?" I love google earth, it is so cool. I typed it in and zoom, there it was, Latvia. It is in Europe plain as day. I don't know why I never saw it before. All I know is that I will never forget where it is again.
Before she came we prayed everyday that she would be adopted by a godly family. I was so excited to meet her and see what God was going to do. But before we even met her Brenna (my wife) said that she felt the Holy Spirit impress upon her that we should adopt Meggie. WHAT? How could that be? I had been praying everyday for her too and I never got that message. After she told me I explained to her that it is impossible for us to adopt. You see I am the "bill" payer in our family and I new that we didn't even have extra money for Ice Cream let alone another mouth to be eating it.
How much does it cost I asked? "$30,131," she replied. After I got my breath back, my mind was made up for sure. Brenna would ask me to just be open and to see what will happen. Well, to make a long story short, I was open, and became totally convinced that my wife my listens to God better than me! So now we are stepping out on faith and seeing if God will do the impossible. We have zero $, and we need $alot! I guess when he pulls this off it will have His signature all over it! I love His signature.
So How will we get the money? I have some ideas?
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